Have a great summer everyone! This website will return with regular updates August, 2016!
Coding has arrived! I have begun teaching coding every morning from 7:30 to 8:30 and in the afternoons from 3:30 - 4:30 as part of the 21st Century Learning program. Please feel free to come by and start learning computer programming skills!
Our class has begun using a new writing website called "Storybird" (http://www.storybird.com). One thing I appreciate about this website is that many times students don't have the ability to add awesome illustrations to their writing projects. This website gives writers a huge number of illustrations to help inspire highly-creative written work. Ask your child to show you what they've been working on!
New Page! Please visit the Class Work page to see student-designed bulletin boards, artwork, and assignments in the classroom!
We are beginning to use Khan Academy in the classroom. If you have a few spare minutes, please visit the website and create an account for your child. This will allow us to track their progress instantly on any of the subjects they are learning. The address is: www.khanacademy.com
Comments (2)
Charles Fears said
at 12:07 am on Apr 12, 2010
Awesome page!
Kim Burke said
at 9:39 am on Jul 18, 2010
I like your page and how the pages are simply defined.
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