

Wiki Spelling Page


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Here are some websites that can help you study your words:

Spelling City

Scholastic Spelling Wizard


Vocabulary Word List

For the week of May 2nd - May 6th , 2016

For the remainder of the school year we are switching from a weekly spelling test to a weekly vocabulary test.

Students will be learning the spelling of the week's words, but the test will also include the definition and using the word correctly in a sentence.


1) ventured

2) emerged

3) unreasonable

4) attraction

5) inquire

6) discussions

7) sprawled

8) focused



Vocabulary Word List

For the week of April 25th - April 29th , 2016

For the remainder of the school year we are switching from a weekly spelling test to a weekly vocabulary test.

Students will be learning the spelling of the week's words, but the test will also include the definition and using the word correctly in a sentence.


1) shortage

2) outcast

3) reflected

4) strategy

5) civilization

6) traditional

7) founding

8) complex



Level 5 - Unit 3, List 5 Spelling Words

For the week of March 14th - March 18th, 2016


1) contest

2) content

3) protest

4) combat

5) permits

6) rebel

7) present

8) insert

9) desert

10) subject

11) minute

12) compact

13) conduct

14) contract

15) refuse

16) conflict

17) research

18) excuse

19) entrance

20) extract


Review Words:

21) doubting

22) allow

23) caution


Challenge Words:

24) effect

25) affect



Level 5 - Unit 3, List 4 Spelling Words

For the week of March 7th - March 11th, 2016


1) grownup

2) power

3) shower

4) bestow

5) August

6) allow

7) encounter

8) grouchy

9) rowdy

10) laundry

11) flawless

12) coward

13) lawyer

14) applause

15) arousing

16) faucet

17) trousers

18) caution

19) boundary

20) doubting


Review Words:

21) angle

22) mountain

23) sandal


Challenge Words:

24) southern

25) roughness



Level 5 - Unit 3, List 3 Spelling Words

For the week of February 22nd - February 26th, 2016


1) minus

2) loser

3) humor

4) closet

5) recent

6) student

7) equal

8) profile

9) local

10) comet

11) vacant

12) punish

13) cavern

14) shiver

15) decent

16) linen

17) legal

18) panic

19) smoky

20) tyrant


Review Words:

21) valley

22) fifteen

23) culture


Challenge Words:

24) fatigue

25) fugitive



Level 5 - Unit 3, List 2 Spelling Words

For the week of February 8th - February 12th, 2016


1) dozen

2) beside

3) motion

4) appoint

5) season

6) phony

7) observe

8) active

9) restore

10) expert

11) reserve

12) embrace

13) coastal

14) python

15) govern

16) scorching

17) flurry

18) canvas

19) copper

20) cocoon


Review Words:

21) partner

22) footprint

23) dolphin


Challenge Words:

24) superb

25) bleachers



Level 5 - Unit 3, List 1 Spelling Words

For the week of January 19th - January 22nd, 2016


1) hilltop

2) grassland

3) footprint

4) handsome

5) landlord

6) partner

7) cockpit

8) fairground

9) address

10) fiddler

11) reckless

12) pilgrim

13) improve

14) instant

15) dolphin

16) orphan

17) concrete

18) complain

19) district

20) although


Review Words:

21) ideas

22) piano

23) fuel


Challenge Words:

24) mischief

25) laughter



Level 5 - Unit 2, List 3 Spelling Words

For the week of December 14th - December 18th, 2015


1) dentist

2) jogger

3) fifteen

4) flatter

5) mutter

6) mustang

7) absent

8) hollow

9) empire

10) blizzard

11) culture

12) goggles

13) summon

14) champion

15) kennel

16) valley

17) fragment

18) gallop

19) vulture

20) pigment


Review Words:

21) sprawls

22) sprouts

23) mouthful


Challenge Words:

24) clammy

25) hammock



Level 5 - Unit 2, List 3 Spelling Words

For the week of December 7th - December 11th, 2015


1) joint

2) foul

3) coil

4) hoist

5) stout

6) dawdle

7) mouthful

8) counter

9) brought

10) bawl

11) fountain

12) sprawls

13) douse

14) clause

15) sprouts

16) cautious

17) turmoil

18) scrawny

19) foundation

20) turquoise


Review Words:

21) relied

22) forbidding

23) easing


Challenge Words:

24) buoyant

25) renown



Level 5 - Unit 1, List 2 Spelling Words

For the week of November 16th - November 20th, 2015


1) jogging

2) dripping

3) skimmed

4) raking

5) amusing

6) easing

7) regretted

8) forbidding

9) referred

10) injured

11) deserved

12) applied

13) relied

14) renewing

15) complicated

16) qualified

17) threatening

18) gnarled

19) envied

20) fascinated


Review Words:

21) difficulties

22) notches

23) rodeos


Challenge Words:

24) adoring

25) diaries



Level 5 - Unit 1, List 1 Spelling Words

For the week of November 9th - November 13th, 2015


1) rattlers

2) fangs

3) countries

4) liberties

5) potatoes

6) rodeos

7) taxes

8) reptiles

9) surroundings

10) beliefs

11) difficulties

12) batches

13) abilities

14) lashes

15) identities

16) losses

17) possibilities

18) notches

19) zeroes

20) eddies


Review Words:

21) flagpole

22) vice president

23) ninety-one


Challenge Words:

24) mangoes

25) sinews



Level 5 - Unit 1, List 1 Spelling Words

For the week of November 2nd - November 6th, 2015


1) afternoon

2) background

3) overcome

4) pillowcase

5) rooftop

6) flagpole

7) footstep

8) vice president

9) cornfield

10) cornmeal

11) ice-skating

12) cardboard

13) field trip

14) ninety-one

15) eggshell

16) all right

17) cheerleader

18) armchair

19) earthworm

20) mountaintop


Review Words:

21) blurt

22) jeer

23) thirst


Challenge Words:

24) first-class

25) briefcase


Spelling Words

For the week of October 26th - October 30th, 2015


This week we will not have a normal spelling list.

Instead, we will be preparing for the class spelling bee which will be held on Thursday, October 29th.



Level 5 - Unit 1, List 5 Spelling Words

For the week of October 17th - October 23rd, 2015


1) clear

2) nerve

3) squirt

4) verse

5) surf

6) lurk

7) year

8) stern

9) spurts

10) lurch

11) blurt

12) thirst

13) spur

14) engineer

15) jeer

16) sneer

17) dreary

18) squirm

19) swerve

20) yearns


Review Words:

21) aboard

22) barge

23) scarce


Challenge Words:

24) smear

25) rehearse



Level 5 - Unit 1, List 4 Spelling Words

For the week of October 5th - October 16th, 2015

(Due to the short week next week, we will postpone the test until the following Friday.)


1) heart

2) swear

3) aboard

4) squares

5) swore

6) chart

7) scorn

8) starch

9) source

10) fare

11) barge

12) thorn

13) marsh

14) force

15) harsh

16) scarce

17) coarse

18) flare

19) course

20) sword


Review Words:

21) brood

22) prove

23) hoof


Challenge Words:

24) uproar

25) gorge


Level 5 - Unit 1, List 3 Spelling Words

For the week of September 28 - October 2, 2015


1) tuna

2) duty

3) lose

4) few

5) doom

6) bamboo

7) brood

8) crooks

9) hoof

10) hooks

11) booth

12) handbook

13) prove

14) mute

15) amuse

16) plume

17) hue

18) view

19) bruise

20) union


Review Words:

21) theme

22) coach

23) bride


Challenge Words:

24) strewn

25) accuse




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